The investigation into Campus Karlshamn

  • Post category:News

Last week, BTH announced that an investigation will be appointed into whether a possible relocation of campus Karlshamn will be carried out. Blekinge Student Union supports the question of appointing an inquiry.

In the time since the information about an investigation reached the public through the media and other information channels, Blekinge Student Union has been made aware of students' opinions in several places. The student union understands the anxiety and anger that has arisen linked to the information but wants to clarify why they choose to support the idea of appointing an investigation.

For Blekinge Student Union, the students' best interests are always in focus and always have been. In recent years, the programs on campus Karlshamn have seen a decline in the number of admitted students, despite reforms of some programs and the establishment of new programs. The situation on campus Karlshamn is today a strained one for BTH and if you do not meet the problem, it risks resulting in a worse study situation for the students in Karlshamn.

Blekinge Student Union supports an investigation because it is the only sure way the matter can be investigated in order for the situation to be better for the students. This is with the proviso that students from both campus Karlskrona and campus Karlshamn are invited to participate in the investigation to ensure that all student perspectives are taken into account.

Blekinge Student Union wants to be clear that it will not necessarily support or be against the decision BTH will want to make after a completed investigation, regardless of where you land. During the ongoing investigation, Blekinge Student Union will conduct its own surveys among the student population to create a fair idea of what the students want.

The question has been received about how to handle the student culture if the educations at campus Karlshamn are moved to campus Karlskrona. Unfortunately, there is not a good answer at the moment, but the question will continue to be discussed to find the solution that works for the larger part of the student population. A vibrant student life is of great importance to Blekinge Student Union and today's student life on both campus Karlshamn and campus Karlskrona is worth preserving.

Finding solutions that are best for current and future students' time at BTH is always something Blekinge Student Union strives for, and is not something that is compromised.