Looking for housing?

Have you been accepted to BTH and are looking for housing?

Have you been accepted to BTH and are looking for housing?
In Blekinge there are several different landlords that you can find housing with. Some residences are located near campus, while others are a little further away. Some are student housing and others are ordinary apartments.
When the admission notices come, the student apartments usually disappears quickly, even ordinary apartments fill up quite quickly. However, a few months after the start of the semester, it usually opens up in the housing market and there is a greater opportunity to find an apartment with the location that suits you.

You will find links to different landlords where you can apply for student accommodation and regular rent. You can also find a link to each municipality's website where they list all their landlords.

Karlskrona municipality – On Karlskrona municipality's website you can find contacts to different housing brokers and landlords with student accommodation, apartments and accommodation.

Landlords with student accommodation
Karlskronahem – Rents out both student accommodations and regular accommodations. When it comes to student accommodation you need to declare interest first to be placed first in offer of accommodation.

Studentbostäder i Norden  - Rents out student accommodation, when you register at SBN you are registered into a queue score system. These points increase with each day and are used to decide who gets the house in question. It's free to registrer!

Jotac  Studentkorridor in central Karlskrona, close to downtown and student-friendly!

We also recommend looking into the option of regular rented apartments.

Karlshamn Kommun – Here is Karlshamns municipality's website where you can find different housings.

Landlords with student accommodation
Karlshamnsbostäder – If you are admitted at campus Karlshamn, you have housing guarantee at Karlshamnbostäder!

Facebook page for private renting
omBoende.se contains information regarding accommodation.
Klarabo Sverige  – Privat hyresvärd med lägenheter i b.la. Ronneby. Har erbjudande för studenter.
Studentlya.nu Lists student accommodation adverts, mainly sublease contracts from private actors.
kvalster.se Lists accomodation adverts from a number of sources, mainly sublease contracts.
Bo Tillsammans! Lists accommodations adverts.


hyreskollen.se  –  Samlar hyresrätter från olika företag och privata hyresvärdar på en plattform. Gratis att använda och länkar direkt till annonsören.


Hemavi.se Hyr rum och hitta rumskamrater 


Due to these factors sublease contracts are very often for a limited time only.
Here's some tips for subletting:

Always make sure that the person subleasing an apartment to you have permission of the landlord, it is illegal to sublease without permission.

Never PAY any deposit or payment in advance of having seen the apartment AND signed the contract.

Never PAY through an anonymous payment method such as Western Union or Paypal.

En kreditupplysning kräver PAY att du ska identifiera dig själv.

Try to determine if the rent is reasonable by comparing similar offers.

Försöker hyresvärden stressa dig? Ta det lugnt och tänk till en extra gång!

More information about subletting can be found if you open the website on a computer.

When you sublease an apartment you rent from an existing tenant instead of the landlord. It is often the case that the tenant is temporarily away for some months due to some business in another city or country and want to lease the apartment to someone else during that time instead of having to move our of the apartment. It might also be the case that the tentant have a spare room and want to make some extra money by renting it to someone. Due to these factors sublease contracts are very often for a limited time only.
Here's some tips for subletting:

  • Always make sure that the person subleasing an apartment to you have permission of the landlord, it is illegal to sublease without permission.
  • Never PAY any deposit or payment in advance of having seen the apartment AND signed the contract.
  • Never PAY through an anonymous payment method such as Western Union or Paypal.
  • En kreditupplysning kräver PAY att du ska identifiera dig.
  • Try to determine if the rent is reasonable by comparing similar offers.
  • Verkar hyresvärden försöka sätta dig i en stressad position? Ta det lugnt och tänk till en extra gång då!

Blocket has an extensive guide that addresses what you should beaware of both as a landlord and tenant.

Good luck and take care!

Do you have any general questions about housing and accomodation?
Please send us an email at bostad@bthstudent.se eller ring vår bostadskoordinator på 0455-344 230.
Please note that we do not have any apartments to lease.

Tips when moving

student finance via CSN

We recommend applying for study funding for a long period, that is, apply for the entire academic year directly than once per semester.

We recommend applying for study funding for a long period, that is, apply for the entire academic year directly than once per semester. Every time you apply for study funding, CSN evaluates if you have met the requirements for continued study funding and if you then have points that have not been reported, you risk being without study funding. By applying for one full academic year at a time, you minimize that risk.


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Hemavi is a service for renting individual rooms, which guarantees a smooth process, both for landlords and tenants. Hemavi thus works together with Blekinge student union in order to help students and landlords in Blekinge! Rent rooms and find roommates (hemavi.com)