What we do
Education associations are responsible for the development of programs and courses. These associations are run voluntarily by students that want the best in education here on Blekinge Institute of Technology. Below is a list of education associations and what programs they represent.
Our education associations
All of our education associations have by-laws that they follow, you can read them here.

Blekinge Organiserade Spelstudenter
Contact: boss@bthstudent.se
Website: boss.bthstudent.se
Represents the students that attend game focused programs here in Karlskrona and the engineering preparatory year program.

Ekonomi, Kunskap, Engagemang, Nätverkande
Contact: eken@bthstudent.se
Website: eken.bthstudent.se
EKENs Facebook page
Represents the students that attend Industrial Engineering and the MBA-program.

Contact: marfint@bthstudent.se
Website: morfint.bthstudent.se
Represents the students that attends the nurse program and specialization within nursing program.

Contact: rot@bthstudent.se
Website: root.bthstudent.se
Representing students in the IT Security Program
Master's Programme in Computer Security
Master in telecommunications systems

Medietekniska Utbildningsföreningen i Karlshamn
Contact: muk@bthstudent.se
MUKs Facebook page
Represents all programs with media technology at campus Karlskhamn.

Blekinges Ingenjörstekniska Studenter.
Contact: bits@bthstudent.se
Represents the following:
AI and machine learning
Software engineering 5y
Software engineering 3y
Web programming
Web programming (distance program)
Master in Software engineering

Red Overall Society of Technology
Contact: rost@bthstudent.se
Website: rost.bthstudent.se
Maskinsektionen ROST represents students that attends programs surrounding machine technology and marine technology.

PhD student committee
Contact: doktorandkommitten@bth.se

Contact: trampolinen@bthstudent.se
If you study Physical Planning:
Contact the line association PlanKan at plankan.bth@gmail.com. PlanKan is sort of like an education association but is independant from Blekinges student union.
Ta kontakt med en förening du tycker ligger nära din utbildning och fråga om de kan inkludera även er i sin verksamhet. Är du villig att engagera dig kommer du att tas emot med öppna armar!
Starta en ny utbildningsförening. Som utbildningsförening har ni studentkåren i ryggen vilket ger avsevärd tyngd till era argument när ni vill driva en fråga mot BTH. Studentkåren står även till buds med etablerade rutiner för ekonomi och administration. Det enda som behövs är ert brinnande engagemang – kontakta oss i kårstyrelsen, vi berättar gärna hur du går tillväga!
If you study Physical Planning:
Contact the line association PlanKan at plankan.bth@gmail.com. PlanKan is sort of like an education association but is independant from Blekinges student union.
Do you want to participate?
Contact the association you feel is close to your education and ask if you can help if you're willing to help, they'll accept you with open arms.
Start something new?
Start an education association! As an education association you have the student union at your back which gives your arguments much more weight when lifting questions to BTH. The student union can also help out with established routines, economy and administration. The only requirement is your passion for change and development in education!