What we do
Our sections manage the social part of your student life. They make sure that there are events past school time to enrich your time as a student. Our sections are run voluntarily by students that want student life on Blekinge Institute of Technology to be great for everyone.
Below you can read about our sections and what they do.
Our sections
All of our sections have by-laws that they follow, you can read them here.

Karlskrona Pubsektion is the section that voluntarily works so students at Blekinges Institute of Technology can have their own student pub. The prices are adjusted to students and the pub is close to campus with a nice view of the ocean.
Kontakt: pubsektionen@bthstudent.se
Karlskrona Pubsektion is the section that voluntarily works so students at Blekinges Institute of Technology can have their own student pub. The prices are adjusted to students and the pub is close to campus with a nice view of the ocean.
Contact: pubsektionen@bthstudent.se

Sexistenz is a festivity committee that was earlier a committee to Rotundan (the old student pub). They prepare and arrange events for student welfare. They are also responsible for the intro week in Karlskrona. When there's a party outside of Karlskrona Sexistenz is the committee that fixes a buss. They also arrange events without alcohol!
Kontakt: sexistenz@bthstudent.se
Sexistenz is a festivity committee that was earlier a committee to Rotundan (the old student pub). They prepare and arrange events for student welfare. They are also responsible for the intro week in Karlskrona. When there's a party outside of Karlskrona Sexistenz is the committee that fixes a buss. They also arrange events without alcohol!
Contact: sexistenz@bthstudent.se

.smoersex is the pub section and the festivity committee of Karlshamn. They take care of the student pub and also arrange the introduction week in Karlshamn. .smoersex also arrangr events free of alcohol and are responsible for booking buses if there is an event outside of Karlshamn
Kontakt: smoersex@bthstudent.se
.smoersex is the pub section and the festivity committee of Karlshamn. They take care of the student pub and also arrange the introduction week in Karlshamn. .smoersex also arrangr events free of alcohol and are responsible for booking buses if there is an event outside of Karlshamn
Contact: smoersex@bthstudent.se

Studentkultur i Tiden (SIT) is a section that upkeep's student traditions. They are responsible for student overalls, student technology hats and union bands for formal occasions
Kontakt: sit@bthstudent.se
Studentkultur i Tiden (SIT) is a section that upkeep's student traditions. They are responsible for student overalls, student technology hats and union bands for formal occasions
Contact: sit@bthstudent.se

KIDS is the section that handles sports activities for students e.g. football, badminton and squash. They also arrange tournaments, try-on days and other sport-related projects. KIDS also work as a link between Blekinges Institute of Technology and other sports association in Karlskrona.
KIDS is much more than just sports, its also an opportunity to meet students and make new contacts. If you're interested in joining a sports association send a mail to kids!
Contact: kids@bthstudent.se
KIDS is the section that handles sports activities for students e.g. football, badminton and squash. They also arrange tournaments, try-on days and other sport-related projects. KIDS also work as a link between Blekinges Institute of Technology and other sports association in Karlskrona. KIDS is much more than just sports, its also an opportunity to meet students and make new contacts. If you're interested in joining a sports association send a mail to kids!
Contact: kids@bthstudent.se