New student
New student
Welcome to the Student Union and BTH. Below you can find an introduction to the student union and general good information to take with you to the first days in a new city.
Have you checked everything to get started with your studies?
Check out BTH's page for new students!
Educational association
Educational association
As a student at BTH, you have an association that represents you.
Check out which educational association you are a member of!
Bostad & ekonomi
Here you will find links to different landlords where you can search for student housing and regular rental apartments.
Check out what can be good to think about with housing and finances!

With the Orbi app, you get access to what's happening in the student union with sittings, fairs, events and much more.
You can even find your dream job in the app!
- You can easily find the app on the App Store or Google Play
- Then just sign up!
Become a member
As a member of the student union, you help us, help you. Your membership ensures our ability to work with quality assurance at Blekinge Institute of Technology.
Follow us
Do you want to see more of what the student union does?
Follow us on instagram and facebook!

Introduction week
Introduction week
welcome to bth!
Every fall in August, introduction activities are organized on our two campuses by Blekinge Student Union and Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH).
Every autumn in August, introductory activities are arranged on our two campuses by Blekinge Student Union and Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). In Karlshamn the introduction is a week long and begins the week before the start of school. In Karlskrona kallas introduktionen för Inseglet, den startar helgen innan introduktionen som anordnas av BTH.
The introduction week in Karlskrona is arranged by Sexistenz (Karlskrona festivity committee), which is easily recognized by their black overalls and green vests.
The date for the introduction week (Inseglet) in Karlskrona fall semester 2023 is August 19-26.
More information will come out later.
The introduction week in Karlshamn is arranged by .smoersex (Karlshamn festivity committee)
The date for the introduction in Karlshamn autumn semester 2023 is August 14-20.
More information will come out later.
Why you should attend
You get to know new friends and older students and get acquainted with Blekinge student union. You as a new student can sometimes be called Nolla (zero), which means you do not have any higher education credits yet, there is no other value in the expression. Introduction activities are all about having fun and making new bands! All activities during the week are completely voluntary and you only participate in what you want.
You get to know new friends and older students and get acquainted with Blekinge student union. You as a new student can sometimes be called Nolla (zero), which means you do not have any higher education credits yet, there is no other value in the expression. Introduction activities are all about having fun and making new bands! All activities during the week are completely voluntary and you only participate in what you want.
“When I started at BTH I knew no one, I was the only one who moved to Blekinge from my high school class. During the introductory week, I got to know so many people and made friends for life ”
- Julia, alumn från BTH
Term start in spring?
A smaller introduction week is also organized in January a for the new nursing students in Karlskrona.
A smaller introduction week is also organized in January a for the new nursing students in Karlskrona. It is called Förseglet and begins the weekend school starts. The nursing students are of course also welcomed to Inseglet in August.
Student life
Student life
Happenings and Event
Just like the intro week, the study social sections arrange events during the year too. It can be anything from theme nights at the student pub, barbecues, or game jams. No matter what your interests are there is something for you!
As a student, you also have the possibility to seek funds from the student union board to arrange events you feel are needed! Contact the board ahead of time for more information.
Student pubs
In Blekinge we have a pub on both campus. Pub .kauren in Karlshamn and Student pub Villan in Karlskrona
The pubs are owned by the Blekinge student union and run by the pub sections which are part of the Student union as a whole. Financially, the pubs are self-supporting and the student-friendly prices can be maintained due to voluntary work.
In order to get free entry to the pubs, you must be able to show membership in the Blekinge student union or another SFS-affiliated student union. If you are not a member of the student union but are a student at BTH, you can still come to our union evenings, then for an entrance fee. It is also possible to rent the premises for your own event.
Campus Festival
The campus festival is arranged every year by the student union board in a collaboration with F2D, Student region Blekinge and BTH. The festival is placed at the beginning of autumn.
After the pandemic, we have had difficulty starting up the Campus Festival again, we will go out on Instagram and Facebook when we start again.
Campus Festival
The campus festival is arranged every year by the student union board in a collaboration with F2D, Student region Blekinge and BTH. The festival is placed at the beginning of autumn.
After the pandemic, we have had difficulty starting up the Campus Festival again, we will go out on Instagram and Facebook when we start again.
Student Culture
Student Culture
Student culture
Blekinge has a rich student culture and overalls. Even if they can look a little odd, it's the people with overalls that will become your closest friends for the rest of your life.
I Blekinge har studentoverallerna olika färg beroende på vilken linje- och utbildningsförening man tillhör, men under helger som Fiaslaget i november, Flumride i maj eller .bAAKsmällan i juni kan man bli förvirrad för då kommer det studenter från hela Sverige, från nordliga Borlänge till sydliga Kristianstad på besök för att phesta. Att åka till en annan studentstad på phest kallas utomlandsphest då man reser från sin kår till en annan och andra städer har andra färger på sin overall. Till exempel har våra sjuksköterskor gröna overaller här i Blekinge medan gröna overaller i Jönköping betyder att man är ekonom.
The nomenclature also differs between different places of study. For example, you do not say ovve, but instead ralle in Skåne when referring to a student overall.
For Karlskrona, both items can be ordered from Studentkultur i Tiden
who arranges try-outs in conjunction with the introduction weeks.
If you have any questions regarding the overalls or the technology cap, contact StudentKultur i Tiden:
In Karlshamn it is the festivity committee .smoersex that arranges the try-outs and
ordering of overalls. If you have any questions, contact .smoersex:
Student Technology Cap
The student technology cap is a studentesque garment. The student technology cap is an old tradition in Swedens student unions. That's why a technology cap is considered one of the finest garments a technology student can wear. The burgundy cap can also be used for finer events, for example, the Nobel dinner!
overall colors in blekinge
Pink/Fuchsia, Digital ljudproduktion (mer åt det grisrosa färgen)
Dark gray, Digital picture production
Lime green design of digital and immersive experiences
.smoersex; their own overalls, white vest, black shirts and black beret
Red, Machine and Marine technology (ROST)
Green, Nurse (Mårfin(t))
Burgundy, Swedish school of planning (PlanKan)
Navy blue, Software development programs (BITS)
Purple, Industrial management (EKEN)
Orange, Game development programs (BOSS)
Olivgrön, Högskoleingenjör i säkerhet och Civilingenjör i datorsäkerhet (#ROOT)
Sexistenz; Black overalls, green vest and black shirts
Karlshamn, Purple, Web development
Karlshamn, Light blue, Media technology
Karlshamn, Light brown (camel), Cross Media
Karlshamn, Orange, Sofe
Karlshamn, Brun, Design av Digitala spel
Ronneby, 6&, Yellow suspenders, green vest and red shirt (-2009)
Ronneby, Black, Computer technology (-2008)
Ronneby, Turquoise, Industrial management (-2008, RISC)
Ronneby, Mint green, Software engineering (-2008, RISC)
Ronneby, Light green, Software engineering (-2008, RISC)
Ronneby, Purple, Game development (-2008, RISC)
Ronneby, Yellow, Interaction and design (2005-2008, ARON)
Ronneby, Orange, Human computer technology working life (-2004. DASC)
Ronneby, Lila, Computer engineer (-2002, RISC)
Karlskrona, White, Telecommunications, Tele/datacommunications, Medicinal technology (with black, red, purple, and green stripes respectively) (-2008, TSF)
Karlskrona, Light green, Humanities/LKDM
Karlskrona, Blue, Social sciences