Welcome to

blekinge student union

We work for you and your education

We make sure your education is top quality

Our main mission is to ensure that your education is of the highest quality. We do this through our educational associations!

Be a part of the student union!

As a student, it is important to get involved during your studies. Both in your studies and alongside them. Commitment shows responsibility and students who are engaged during their studies become more attractive to employers

We plan events

We make sure that there's plenty of fun events to take part in after school hours. This is being done by our social sections!

If you want automatic updates about our events in your calendar. You can download our .ical.

Read more about the student union in our interactive brochure!

You can read more about what Blekinge student union works with and what we offer our members and BTH's students in the brochure. There is also good to know information for new students!

As a little sneak peak you can read about this in the brochure:

  • What the student union does
  • The student unions different parts and their work
  • Our bigger events
  •  Why you should become a member
  • And a lot more!
Click the picture to the right to get to the brochure. 
Tip: because the brochure is digital you can click the links in it!

Do you want to read more about an event? Click on the arrow below to open the calendar in outlooks calendar!

Is there any event or the like that you're missing in the calendar? Send an e-mail to styrelsen@bthstudent.se!



The students responsibility

By students, for students

We are by your side during your time here at BTH. Our biggest mission is to ensure that the quality of your education is kept high and that your voice as a student is always heard. We got your back if you need support and help. If you want to read more about us, click on the button below!

Policies and documents

Are you curious about our governance documents? In the archive you can read everything from meeting protocols,statutes and policies.